그를 높이라 Prize Wisdom 잠 4:8

Prayer for Sri Lanka (sub eng)

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Sovereign God, you are the creator of the universe
and all things and we thank you and praise your grace.

How beautiful is your name in all the earth
and especially here in Sri Lanka.

When we see your creations we remember
your eternal mighty power and goodness.

We lift your name high and we pray
for Sri Lanka right now.

Throughout the long history of Sri Lanka the pain
that the European colonialism caused for 450 years
is still affecting and influencing this land.

Especially the sins and crimes that were done
by the name of Christianity became an obstacle
for the souls of Sri Lanka to return to you God.

God, we repent these sins.

We ask for forgiveness and please grant us your mercy.

We fall into despair for the war and conflict
that is still going on for 30 years
between the main tribes of Sinhala and Tamil.

Lord, there is no hope in our sinful being.

That is why we no longer try to build a country
with our own strengths but we only pray
that the righteousness, peace and joy
that you have planned
and set through your Son Jesus Christ
will come upon this land.

We pray that the complete Gospel of the cross
that exceeds all people and race,
surpasses all history and culture,
and which destroys all the blocking walls
of age, sex, background, and cast,
would cover the earth and just as your will is to be done
in heaven may it be done here in this land of Sri Lanka.

Father of love, please help the helpless widows
and orphans who have lost their parents
and husbands due to the war
and have no one to depend on.

Grant them grace so that they
could have rest in your sovereignty.

Also, hear the cries of the poor
who are working hard labor
and sometimes are even being abused making it
hard to survive.

May the Gospel would be preached
and reached to them and heaven would be theirs.

Father God who is our shelter, we are thankful
that the numbers of Gospel-centered Christians
are rising fast and more and more local Christians
show passion in evangelical preaching practices.

But on the other side, the persecution of church
is becoming more fierce and violent.

We hear often of burning church
and killing of believers.

But Lord, you who oversee everything,
we pray that the churches of Sri Lanka
would not fear the persecutions
but rather have boldness to preach your Word
and that by the name of the holy servant
Jesus Christ many wonders
and miraculous signs would be done.

Also, we pray that they could forgive
those who oppress and persecute them
in Jesus’ love just as you loved us and forgave us.
May they would endure the situation with humility
and patience.

Father God, especially remember
the next generation of Sri Lanka.

No matter what situation, what difficulty,
what education they are receiving and living,
may the children would come to know the great
and wonderful plan that you have planned for them
and have a burning passion.

We earnestly pray that you would forever grant
them the authority and the glory
of your kingdom through the name of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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