“A Man Who Has Left God Is Like a Cordless Electrical product.”
Illustration: Nojuna

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Dream of God (2)]

A  God-level dream that we, sinners, could not even imagine, was given to us freely by God’s omnipotence and grace. The first of the dreams is union of God and/with man.
The sin that came into human life after Adam’s disobedience/crime made it impossible for man to ever go before the holy God again by any effort or method of man. Do we realize what this means? The miserable existence that is separated from God and cannot be with God forever is the worst curse of all.
This is because even if all the tragic sufferings, hardships and the weight of the problems unfolded in human history after the fall of Adam the first man, are combined, it cannot be compared with the cursed situation of man, who is permanently separated from God.
Humans are creatures that cannot exist without God from the very beginning. Because he was appointed as God’s prototype, God’s image, a man who left God is like an electrical appliance without a code.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.(John15:5)”
A human being who is cut off from God, the origin and the source of existence, means that all hope has already vanished as/of being itself. Nevertheless, God had an amazing dream in the promise he had given through the prophet Isaiah.
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.(Isiah.7:14)”

Among the impossible visions and dreams declared by the Bible, as one most amazing dream, we can pick “Immanuel” without any hesitation. “GOD IS WITH US!” Then, there is hope. Even the time that, on the sinner’s side, everytning is over, and there seems to be no hope , and fell into the pit of despair, it can’t  stop the light of hope that comes out of the tunnel of despair if just God is with us.
God, Who Forms Union between God-Himself and Man.

Just being together with God alone in the space that we exists Is a miracle and an unimaginable blessing which we can’t handle, and
yet, God’s promise of Immanuel reaches to a complete union, a mystical union that forms one body.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.(Galatians 2:20)”

The mystical union, the union between God and man, which cannot be fully described by words, was God’s dream and promise toward sinners who had been separated and away from God forever. (July 2017) <To Be Continued> [GNP Newspaper]

Missionary Kim, Yong-Eui
(WMM Missionary, LOG Mission Representative)
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