Burkina Faso, Unstable Public Order and Security: More than 40% of the Land out of Governmental Control
▲ people in Burkina Faso (by WMM)

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A baby is sleeping sound on his mother’s back. The mother’s voice and breath became lullabies for him leading him to a dream despite Mother’s movements. Mother’s arms, the safest place in the world, is like God’s arms.

However, In Burkina Faso located in the center of the Sahel, West Africa, about 40% of the land is out of governmental control which makes it one of the countries with the worst security and situations. After those two coups détat in 2022, the military administration led by Ibrahim Traoré has begun and, French army which had operated counter-terrorism in the Sahel was entirely withdrawn last February which shows Burkina Faso’s bad diplomatic ties with the West. Since 2015, activities linked to the Islamic militia group, ISIS, have caused the fatality of 20,000 and refugees of over 2 million. I hope God leads souls of Burkina Faso into His arms where they are safe and may His kingdom come.

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”(Proverbs 18:10_ESV) [GP News]

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