Turkmenistan, the Lowest Freedom Index around the World
▲ a bakery in a Turkmen market (by: WMM)

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The sweet smell of bread from somewhere entices people to pause at a Turkmen market. The aroma of freshly baked Nan (or Naan), cooked on a brazier called a ‘tandoor’, encourages them to move forward with satisfied stomachs. I hope their steps through life are light with freedom. Unfortunately, however, this country has again scored the lowest in the world on the freedom index. Turkmenistan scored 2 out of 100 in the 2024 World Freedom Report, placing it behind North Korea, which scored 3, the worst of the worst.

Turkmenistan is often called the North Korea of Central Asia, and its political power now rests with Serdar Berdymukhammedov, President of Turkmenistan, following his father Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov’s 15-year regime. They have erected a statue covered in gold of Gurbanguly on a horse in the capital city to inspire reverence among the people, but it is merely a symbol.

I pray that this nation seeks truth and that truth sets them free, leading its people to partake in the Bread of Life, Jesus, for their true freedom.

“For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”(John 6:33_ESV) [GP News]

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