Breast cancer. But I believed in the love of the Lord
illust = Lee, Soo Jin

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I had a medical check-up last year in Feb for medical examination. In breast ultrasound, the lesion was not good, so the biopsy was performed immediately. At that time, I was committed to missionary work, but I was facing difficulties because of my reality that the gospel was not real. I had time to stay in front of the Lord waiting for the test results. I had time to stay in front of the Lord waiting for the test results.

I was suspicious that I was evil and arrogant and that the Lord would do this to make me feel better, but I always concluded that the Lord was good. My father is the one who gives me the best. I prayed that I could thank the Lord in any situation. I trusted that I would know, believe and experience the Lord through the situation that he ruled and gave.

He called me as if he had called Abraham to give God himself to me. He called God as a path of blessing, believing and enjoying God as a whole, and living by God.

He called God as a path of blessing, believing and enjoying God as a whole, and living by God. I decided to take this material thankfully if I needed it. I felt tears as I confessed, ‘God is so good!’. It was not tears that were worried and sad. I was so grateful, I believed in my father, so I cried because I was grateful to know the Lord for calling me something like me.

Three days later, the test results came out: “Breast cancer.” He said he had moved to a big hospital and to operate. I thought that it is a plan of the Lord to deeply inscribe the great and deep love of God in my heart. I went around the playground to raise my physical strength to receive anticancer paint. One day, on her knees in the corner of the dark playground where no one was present, she cried out, “Jesus of David’s descendants, I feel sorry for me.” “Compared to the cross of the Lord, I am afraid of nothing but cancer. How did the Lord volunteer to go to the cross? If you told me to choose cancer, I would never do it. How come did the Lord choose the cross with joy?

It has been said that he loved me. This was the only way to save him. It was to give me the love and the joy to share with me, to give me eternal life. I looked at the joy of giving birth to people, did not care about shame, and I was so grateful for the love of the Lord who ran to the cross, so I cried and ran on the playground.

“I appreciate it, if not. I believe that you will lead me even better if you do not allow me to do what I want.” So the Lord has trained my heart.

He cried in front of the Lord, facing himself who died of fault and sin and did not know what love was, and could not love God and neighbors with all his heart. I was hanging on my hard work and to save me struggling with my best. I was hanging on to my hard work and to save me struggling with my best. What I learned more is that I will be ruined and the Lord will win. So I should die and the Lord must live.

11:3/When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? 4/

The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes

the sons of men; his eyes examine them. 7/For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.” (PSALMS 11:3-4, 7)

Through the process of healing, the Lord shook me down, still opening himself to the body. And while the cancer cells were cleared, Christ became my home.

The Lord did it!   [Gospel Prayer Newspaper]

An Sun Young, Missionary

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