Hoping the Ukraine-Russia war Ends Soon
photo by Man-kyu Jeon

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The photo shows that they are offering meals to refugee children at an orphanage, House of Compassion in Uzhgorod, which is run by a Baptist church. Christians around the world including churches in South Korea, of course, have been praying that the Ukraine-Russia war would end as soon as possible, which began with Russia’s attack on Feb. 24th, 2022.

It is said that this war has killed around 30,000 Ukraine citizens. Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, said that the death toll of Russian soldiers could reach more than 40,000. Also, a series of reports have been released saying that the casualties of Ukrainian soldiers are about 200 just a day in Donbas(s).

War is miserable. What war leaves is debris and orphans, pain from war crime, refugees, despair, and groans. Who in the world can find any hope in war?

We, however, also hear that in the continuous attacks of Russia, believers of Church of the Transfiguration don’t leave Sieverodonetsk and keep spreading the Gospel giving food to people. Let’s pray for them to take shelter under God who is the refuge for those in distress and find the hope of God’s everlasting kingdom.

“You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall and like the heat of the desert. You silence the uproar of foreigners; as heat is reduced by the shadow of a cloud, so the song of the ruthless is stilled.”(Isaiah 25:4~5_NIV) [gnp news]

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