Sunday Worship in a Muslim Country
photo by Almas

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May is the month which includes lots of family-related events or festivals. There is a program for children at a church(A department) in a Central Asia nation where 80% of the population is Muslims.

In the photo above, you can see the kids who are learning from their teachers about the Cross and the Resurrection at Bethel Church. Everything is interesting to the toddlers sitting in the back of the chapel watching kids who are older than them. Young teachers are busy with teaching the Gospel to the next generation.

Modern Sunday schools were introduced by Robert Raikes(1735~1811) who was a newspaper publisher. Passing by a slum one day he decided to make the society to be just. First, he offered food and purification education to inmates. Then, he got aware of the need of crime prevention education, so he gathered street children and launched a Sunday school in 1780. He gave away clothes, shoes, and etc, and taught them how to wash, comb hair, be punctual, obey grown-ups, and not to fight. He felt the change among those children after he had taught them for 3 years, and he wrote the results of his Sunday school on November the 3rd, 1783. It caused a huge influence on the society with other newspapers dealing with the results. The number of the kids increased from 250,000 in 1785 to 300,000 in 1801, 730,000 in 1821, 1,250,000 in 1831, and 2,000,000 in1851.

The Bible orders us to teach God’s words to our offsprings and enjoy, as a result, all the blessings God gives away in Deuteronomy 11:19~21.[gnp news]

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