Churches in Burkina Faso, Taking Comfort in Persecutions
▲ a kid holding the bible, Burkina Faso (by WMM)

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A kid in a small church in a country town, Burkina Faso is holding his bible proudly. I hope God’s grace and His words nurture this kid.

Now, churches in Burkina Faso are in persecutions. It began to be under the control of France in 1896 and European missionaries came to the land to spread and teach the Gospel. In Burkina Faso which consists of a variety of tribes, groups of people including Christianity (8% of Protestantism, 11% of Catholicism), Islam (55%), and primitive tribes used to live their own lives peacefully. However, since 2015, things have changed. Activities of jihadists associated with Islamic armed forces such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS have caused the death toll of about 20,000 and refugees of around 2.3 million.

Since about 70 Christians were killed and five churches were attached in April 2019, Christians have been the target of jihadists. More than 10,000 Christians have lost their homes and jobs and been kicked out. In the East and the West of Burkina Faso, 200 or something churches have been closed because of unsafety and threats of attacks.  

In this situation, last year Voice of the Martyrs Korea handed books of the Bible to brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso. Believers opened their hearts to the Bible, finding hope in it, and spread the Gospel to their neighbors boldly.  Let’s pray that they, in persecutions, take comfort from God’s words and walk the narrow road boldly until the Lord comes.

“Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring.”(2 Thessalonians_ESV) [GP News]

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