Democratic Congo in Constant Civil Wars with Rebel Forces
▲ choir members of a Congolese church (by WMM)

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The members of a church in Democratic Republic of the Congo(Democratic Congo) are practicing their hymns for God before the worship service. By the time the songs arrive to the throne in the heaven in a beautiful harmony from the peaceful and serene church, the chorus by heavenly angels will be added up and hymns for God will spread all over the world.

Unfortunately, this happy imagination lasted for a short time. Democratic Congo is in chaos. Thousands of Congolese people in the eastern part hit the road of refuge as attacks by rebel forces got stronger and stronger. Recently, M23 from Tutsi rebel force, has besieged the town of Sake(phonetic spelling) in the east.

Although Democratic Congo achieved its independence in 1960 after its enormous pain and sorrow, the war between the Hutu and the Tutsi has lasted because of their greed for abundant natural resources and the national power. And it has been for 64 years. A ceasefire was made through mediation and interventions by nations in East Africa but violence issues have continued, so the agreement is just nominal.

The real life in Congo is filled with darkness. However, on the day when Jesus comes again, it will be ruled with justice and fairness and God’s kingdom with rest and joy comes. May God let His Kingdom be in Congo through the Cross.

“Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 42:5_ESV) [GPNews]

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