Shepherd Leading with His Soft Hands
▲ a Pakistani woman baking bread(photo by WMM)

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A woman, with her bare hands, keeps flipping a peace of bread which has gotten brown. Her hands which are not subservient to the hot bread must have touched the beds of her loving family members, her children’s messy rooms, her husband’s exhausted shoulders, and her kids’ excoriated knees. The hands which embrace all efforts and trouble are already among our lives and they are much softer and warmer than a mother’s touches.

The Lord embraces and guides us with His soft hands when we are lonely, exhausted, and desperate in trouble with us not noticing. If you are in a difficult situation right now, you will soon see yourself held in the Lord’s arms.

“He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.”(Isaiah 40:11_ESV)

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