Inexpressible Joy
▲ Bedouins kids, Egypt (by WMM)

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Kids are running under the crystal clear sky. They are Bedouin boys in Egypt who have brown skin and wear long garments. What are they that happy for with big smiles on their faces? An unexpected guest with gifts visited them whose houses are in the wilderness. The gift gave the children a huge joy.

We have already received this unexpected gift of joy: Jesus Christ. Jesus has found our lives which were abandoned and which no one tried to find in face of danger like the scorching sun. He sees us who are like a sheep wandering in the barren wilderness without any hope and He embrace us. The day a soul who, alone, didn’t know where to go and had to endure the scorching sun and the freezing cold met Jesus allowed the soul to go to a ever-green prairie or to a waterfront for some respite according to His guide. Did you meet Jesus Christ, an unexpected gift?

“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.”

(1Peter 1:8_ESV)

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