Watching the Lord for penniless and missionary trip
illust = Lee Soo Jin

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I spent one semester as a practice teacher at Christian school, where the next generation of teenagers’ attend, and recently our students spent for one night and two days for penniless and missionary trip. Our team is 10 students including a guidance teacher and plus myself so all together 12 persons.

The high-graded chief and assistant chief did not have to say anything else, but they took care of their brothers well. Throughout the trip, the big brothers walked with his youngest brother’s hands and he took Bible books and water bottles in his bag and in his sister’s bag, which was heavy and difficult. As a practice teacher I learned a lot from my students. The children’s faces were very hard, but they have worked hard to share evangelism with the people meet. People’s eyes might be bothering them, but everyone was not aware of them at all.

Since it was a penniless trip, the Lord allowed to let us eat. But lunch was not allowed for our team. In the SNS among the teachers, the news came that this team and that team were provided with food. My heart began to grow impatient. But the guidance teacher was unwaveringly focused on the lost souls and led us. He told the children not to be taken away from something else. Just at that moment my mind seemed to wake up. First of all, I remembered the promise of the individual to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.

When I handed out the evangelism, there were special encounters that God opened. We should not to be satisfied with the distributions of evangelism. Looking back now, I saw that it was an ignorant evangelism. But it was further confirmed that he was delighted to save those who believed to be foolish of evangelism.

While I was evangelizing, I met a Korea lady. I walked and talked with her for a long time, and when we broke up, she said, “I do not understand.” I felt sorry for myself, but I thought how I understood and how I believed. I realized that understanding and believing in the Word was the full grace of God and thanked me.

Sometimes some of us were shouting and swearing at us. What should we do? I kept asking questions. The children were also worried about the fact that they had to pass the gospel to the end to those who refused when they evangelized, the lack of money, and the absence of a place to sleep. We were asking whether God gave people each heart and gave them a supply, or whether we solved because we shared our situation. Such a man like us the Lord taught us to trust Him till the end. When God went to obedience to the end of his life without relying on man, he learned that what God allowed was the best and that he could be delighted and satisfied with it.

After a short and long evangelism trip, we returned to school. The first teams and missionaries arrived to greet our team with cheers. Our team kids met friends and shared the stories of God’s supply. There were many thoughts and memories by as I watched the students talking with excitement about God that I experienced. There were many thoughts passing by as I watched the students talking with excitement about God that I experienced.

The Lord reminded me of the time when I was in the missionary place as a missionary child, and told me to receive all the situations simply with God’s permission. And before I went on a trip to the evangelism, I saw the prayer titles that the children submitted. ‘Looking at the Lord in a difficult situation and being delighted by the Lord.’ I saw that the Lord responded to the title of our prayers.

Personally, it was time for God with me to see my faith together. It was time to confess God’s goodness even in difficult situations. Jesus did. [GNP News]


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