That’s My House!
a little kid in a town in Zambia

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Walking on the road to his house, a kid looks back at a group of people following him. This child find his father waiting for him in front of the house, and then, he tells us that is his house.

This little kid must infinitely trust his father who is who keeps an eye on and waits for him in front of their house. Therefore, he can takes a powerful step towards his house without any worry, not being afraid that how much barren and dangerous the way to home is.

I also have my home to go back to. I have my heavenly home in front of which my heavenly Father keeps His eyes on me coming back home. However, the road to Heaven is not always beautiful. Sometimes, it is dangerous or makes me lonely and its desolate landscape makes me shiver with fear.

There, nevertheless, is my Father’s house which sure exists. Father who watches me carefully until I arrives home.

So, today, I am happily walking on the road home again looking up to my Father.[gnpnews]

“Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Selah”(Psalms 84:4)

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