I’ll make you become fishers of men
Nouakchott Fish Market in Mauritania

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Fishermen are repairing nets together. How many fish did they catch today with those nets? Didn’t they meet huge wind and waves? These men were born in the sea town and very used to fishing since they were kids. However, their faces definitely show their exhaustion.

I also had been tired of netting nothing with a vague hope that “Tomorrow may be better than today.” I was a rebellious and rotten sinner who had lived without God. I tried to bear good fruits and be credited for them, which I tended to be satisfied with.

God visited such a person like me. He save me by Jesus’s death on the Cross. Moreover, He has also restored me as a fisher of men from previous life of meaningless netting. I follow Him again today who says “Come, follow me.” Right at that moment, our Father, God and I are the happiest together.[gnpnews]

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”(Matthew 4:19 – NIV)

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