Joy to the World! The Lord Has Come!
▲ a square in Budapest, Hungary (by WMM)

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Here gathered people in a square, Budapest, Hungary, for a concert. “Let’s makes a wonderful performance!” Every single note becomes a rich and beautiful music all together according to the voice of all the musical instruments and then it fills the street. The double bass is behind the rest with its low voice but it’s perfect the way it is. The cajon takes care of the rhythm and balances all the other instruments. When the guitar’s chords begin to fill the sounds, then, the saxophone releases its stately voice.

“Joy to the World!”

The harmonious performance of various sound ranges and colors remind me of the witnesses of the Gospel who are in God’s plan for the salvation. Each christian and church has different roles and features stand firmly loyally where God has put them. They now sing about baby Jesus who came 2000 years ago, but on the day when He comes again they will sing about Jesus, the King of the kings, who will complete the history. “Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Praise the Lamb killed by sinners forever and ever! Maranatha!”

“in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” (Ehesians 2:21-22_ESV) [GN Media]

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