Looking for God’s Image in Souls
Chadian children (by WMM)

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“Hey, let’s play together! Have a seat here. Stick to me. Stretch your legs. Why don’t we gather our feet together?” Everything is set up for their play when the kids sitting on sand cling to each other shoulder to, hand in hand shoulder. They sing touching their legs one by one, and the one whose leg is touched at the same time the song ends is it of the game. They laugh looking at their toes which look both alike and different. They spend a day sharing joy through their friends’ warm temperatures.

Did the children see it: the image of God in their bright smiles, body temperatures, and in the toes they compared together laughing. I desperately hope they realize that how sweet and beautiful the image of God in souls is.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”(Genesis 1:27_ESV) [GN Media]

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