God who listens to even a slight groan
Work explanation: Seo Yeon Kim, , 2017, pierce the canvas by hand, 166 x 130cm

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Seo Yeon Kim is a female artist in her forties working in the United States. After graduating from a famous art college, she was once unable to pick up a brush due to her marriage and childrearing. After letting go of the work for a while, she said that she was most afraid to see a blank canvas. It would be more accurate to say that I didn’t even dare to delve into it. At that time, the only thing she stated was the work of piercing the canvas. When the little pieces fell like dust to the floor under the canvas, she said that the little pieces looked just like herself. Therefore, the pieces that fell apart were as precious as the magnificent form that appeared on the canvas. Although advisors around her recommended the easy technique of piercing the canvas at once with laser cutting, she continues to pierce the canvas one by one by hand because revealing the form is not just a purpose. If you pray within your heart and drill holes in the canvas, the cross will be revealed through the hole when the work is finished.

God who found the ax

Sometimes, my vessel is too small to follow God’s great dream, and I do not even dare to pursue God. When I meet the violent storm of trials, I try to think of the kingdom of God that is bigger than the storm, but there are times when I only face the frustration of my faith. In this case, I think of the ‘God who found the ax’. If it’s the first time you’ve heard of it, open 2 Kings Chapter 6. Like a fairy tale, the story of God who found the lost ax through Elisha is written. Elisha and his disciples borrowed an ax to build a lodging house, but the ax fell into the water during construction. At this time, God finds the ax through Elisha. God did not rebuke them for making a fuss over trivial matters such as an ax in the holy work of building the prophet’s dwelling. God does not sweep away every little piece that falls under the canvas. God will not approve only the large and majestic form that appears in the foreground. [GPM]

Art critic Sang Yoon Lee

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