Water for Eternal Life
▲ a Sikh drinking water at Golden Temple, a Sikh shrine in Amritsar, India (photo by OHK)

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A Sikh is trying to drink the water in his hand with a turban which looks quite heavy. Most Sikhs belong to Kshatriya class, so they are warriors and never cut their hair and beard for their life. Everyone has to cover their head with something and take off the shoes in Golden Temple, a Sikh shrine in Amritsar. A lot of people wash in the water and eat the water of Golden Temple because they think of it holy. This water, however, is just plain water. It’s rather dirty since so many people wash themselves in it. There, however, is the water which gives genuine power to these thirsty people: the water Jesus Christ gives! Jesus became the life-giving water for our eternal life on the Cross and has been living in us. We can become the being out of thirstiness through Jesus Christ. We just have to step up toward Him.

 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. (John 4:13-14_ESV) [GNP News]

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