Your Warfare Is Ended
▲ on a street, India(by WMM)

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How long has he carried the big burden with him? A man in his bare feet is struggling to walk dragging the loads which look many times bigger than him. A man in a car across the street is looking at him as it is also a curious sight to. The porter’s tired look tells us his hard life. It’s one side of Indian lower class’ daily life. The caste system lasting for thousands of years still rules India. Even the death cannot detach them from their caste system. The man in the photo might still carry the cart even when he gets old.

However, it would have been our lives that were running towards Hell, the everlasting judgement, dragging the cart of sins which is heavier than the Indian man’s if Jesus haven’t cut our yoke of sin with His Cross.

Jesus says, “Your warfare is over. Your sin has been pardoned.” I hope every soul listen to His voice….

“Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.(Isaiah 40:2_ESV) [gnp news]

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