▶ a woman and a boy in Pakistan (by WMM)

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A woman and a boy, who look like mom and son are, holding lamb each with a big smile. Those lambs look like they have just been born. In Pakistan with a lot of high lands and prairies, it is natural to live with sheep. People there shepherd sheep and learn to slaughter them since young.

They cherish their sheep, and then one day they cut off their sheep’s head, pill off their skin, cut them up in several parts, wash their internal organs, and burn them. What the Israelites, who are used to this practice, think of while seeing a sacrificed lamb? ― “The wrath for my felon sin has been put on the lamb! This lamb has been judged instead of me!”

Jesus Christ was killed on the Cross for our sin instead of us. He walked to the Cross like a lamb which is taken off to the slaughterhouse being silently. [GnP News]

“He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.”(Isaiah 53:7_ESV)

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