A Wait Where One Day Is As A Thousand Years And A Thousand Years As One Day
a girl in Kyrgyzstan

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221_1_1-photo-essay300In a languid afternoon, a girl is waiting for someone at the threshold with her chin on the hand. A pair of shoes sitting in a litter on a porch stone shows her feeling and from the appearance we can guess she might get sulky at something.

When somebody doesn‘t appear although you are waiting for a long, long time, or when we don‘t know whether he/she will come at the end, we tend to give the wait up, thinking “When will the kingdom of the Lord come to me?” “Is He, who said, ‘I‘m coming soon,’ going to come in this age?” “When will my thirst for Jesus and His presence be sufficiently fulfilled?” Our eyes are open whenever Jesus touches the deepest point inside our minds even when we get sullen. The Gospel is perfect itself. We are still waiting for Him between the already-fulfilled kingdom of God and the not-yet-fulfilled reality with a great thrist.[GnP News]

“But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”(2 Peter 3:8_ESV)

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