Our Missions Have Not Been Finished Yet
Illustration by Ju-na No

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I Will Awaken The Dawn! (4)

Stop coming and going between God and the world. You should drop your anchor on one between the two. God gave you the free will in your heart. Make up your mind. Walk forwards with a strong will not to get distracted any logic, deception, threats, and etc. Unfortunately, Saul became a slave of power. Don’t live your life like him. Kill your old self and set your new mind with Jesus on Golgotha where your sovereignty and greed become extinct.

Praise the Lord with your new determined mind! Draw conclusions and praise the Lord in every situations. Thank and praise God and don’t be swallowed up by situations or doubts which make you feel afraid and depressed. Does your doctor say that you are going to die? In that kind of situation, it’s clearly natural to get afraid. Remember, however, that your life is in God’s hands. No one can touch you without His permission. That’s why we must thank and praise Him to the end to whom we commit our lives.

Unrighteous people never win any victories in God’s sovereignty. God will definitely judge between good and evil. He will reveal right and wrong. He will uncover all lies and give the victory to the truth. That’s why we praise Him.

The Lord Is Greater Than Any Other Fear

Do you think there is no one to help you? Your help comes from GOD! Stand on God’s side! What on earth can make you feel afraid once you decide to bear your cross? Our Lord is greater than any other fear! Therefore, seek His nation and glory as David did.

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, And Your glory above all the earth. That Your beloved may be delivered, Save with Your right hand, and answer me!(Psalms 108:5-6 -NASB)” God’s kingdom is immaculately just, clean and holy. The tears of falsely charged spirits can be wiped away and we can rectify all wrong things only when His kingdom comes to our spirits, peoples and nations,

Oh, Lord, please restore this country holy again to become the priestly one which can be used to save all the nations for God! Could anybody imagine that Joseon, the cursed land, would become the second largest missionary exporter? In Korea, there are about 60,000 churches and 10 million christians. Furthermore, there still are people who want to live in the gospel once it is declared to them. Our Lord will answer our prayers even though we repent and seek His kingdom, His glory right now and our prayers are imperfect. He will listen to even our moan!

We stagger but He is faithful forever! Our missions have not finished yet. Missionaries never die until their missions are done. Korea is the inheritance given to us from God. The reason that Korea has been able to survive is God has listen ed to our prayers and had mercy on us although we have done a great deal of unrighteousness. Jesus Christ, our eternal King, is the Lord of this country not afraid situations, the people or turbulent politics. I believe that the Lord will have mercy on Korea and give one more chance to us to use Korea as a priestly nation for the world. <to be continued…> [gnpnews]

Missionary Yong-Ui Kim (the president of LOG Mission)

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