What We Fix Our Eyes On.

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There is a group of blind people singing praise under the blue sky. One of them is an elder man, who is well advanced in years. Most likely, none of them have visibly seen the world with their own eyes. Notwithstanding their physical disability, they still possess a reason to praise God, the Creator who perfectly created the world.

There is also a young blind man who issitting comfortably on the ground, listening and enjoying the beautiful praise. However, he is not listening while facing the group, but has his head turned to the side. But surely, he is attentively listening by straining his ears, using his five senses, so that he might not miss anything.

They don’t care about the color of their clothes or if they are standing with proper posture, because these things aren’t important to them. Perhaps, their blindness enables them to see more and hear more things.Yes. Things that are seen are temporary. Therefore, those who are in Christ see the unseen things, which are eternal. They fix their eyes on things that are truly important. [GNPNEWS]

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18, NIV)

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