A Faith That Dwelt in Your Mother
▲ congregation contributing their offering in a church, Zambia (photo by WMM)

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At a worship service in a church, Zambia, the place is filled with hymns for God and the congregation contributes their offerings. A mom with her baby on her back is also devoting her offering. The baby can’t take his eyes off of the podium. It looks like he probably thinks the choir is marvelous. The mother, however, looks serious as she offers her money. Did she pray that her baby may be a faithful kid who would depend only on God’s grace?

The baby is going to grow watching his mother live with God at home and church and everywhere. What will he look like in the future? Won’t he get to give what God gives him back with joy and gratefulness and know the pleasure of sharing God’s love with his neighbors? A true faith within his mother will also be found in him, too.[gnp news]

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.” (2Timothy 1:5_ESV)

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