Why does God love me?

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re_149_1_2-photoA group of adults and children are paying attention to a preacher  In their front, there is a local grown preaches the Gospelin their native language. Does the preacher explain about the gravity that human life encounters? Or does he preach about meanings of the passion of Christ who bore the cross for sake of human’s sin?

An eagerness of knowledge can be conveyed from someone’s expresses on his face while he is knitting his brows. Even young children are no exceptions to be concerning about the preaching with folding the arms and no playfulness on their faces. Did they have a deep resonant in their souls?A lady, who stands on the right corner is faced with about to cry and lowered her eyes down.

On the edge of human’s total desperation, the LORD says to every human lives, “I LOVE YOU”. At the moment when we realize his love, any logics could not help us to comprehend his love, we cannot do anything: having no other choices, and see God with stunned heart.

“and a voice came out of the heavens: “ You are My beloved son, in You I am well-pleased.” (Mark 1:11) [GNPNEWS]

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