The spiritual disease syndrome, the crisis of worship

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True worshiper (2)

“’How have you loved us?” (Mal 1:2) This is human’s reaction before God’s one-way love. They were even regarded as true believer among the Babylonian captives.

“You have said harsh things against me,” says the LORD. “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?” (Mal 3:13)

‘What have I said against you?’

It would be ok if you follow the world where the world goes, but if you are awakened and try to live as what the gospel says, you can see everything would be against the gospel. You are tested by limit of endurance and faith even before your family. When you met the gospel and was impressed, you confessed that the gospel was enough, but you want to go back before as time goes by. We feel that the love of the Lord is no longer impressed but somewhat upset. We even want to quiz “is it love that you say?” The Lord says that “you have said harsh things against me.” However, we answer that “what have we said against you? We have never committed sin in what we said.”

“You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape.’  (Mal 3:14-15)

Our decision to live as what the gospel says before the world is miserable. The proud who do not believe in God are flourish while they commit sin. And they even say like this “it is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty?”

When the light of the hope for God’s kingdom is getting weak

In darkness, when the godly is persecuted and the truth is mocked, our heart is seriously challenged. In the time of Malachi, they chose the gospel, stood before the Lord and decided to live in the truth. Even though they were captives, they left the Babylon where it was good to live and came to Israel. After they came to Israel, they were frustrated and disappointed because it was difficult to live in godliness. Even though they started with joy and thanks, their old self is getting to live when the light of the hope for God’s kingdom is getting weak. At that time, there is field that is tested. The field is the worship. What if the spiritual field is attacked and the field is even taken by the enemy? And what if the field is gotten by a poisonous arrow of the Satan? If so, the spiritual serious disease syndrome would show. This is the crisis of the worship.

Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, is the diagnosis that the Lord sent to Israelites who got the spiritual disease, the crisis of the worship. <Continued>


Missionary Kim Yong Eui

(Current missionary. Representative of LOG Mission)


<Copyright ⓒ The Gospel Prayer Newspaper that opens the world with the truth and the kingdom of God in my hand>

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