“What Kind of Dream Could Be Reasonable To the Sinners?”
Illustration by Nojuna

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Dream of God (1)

On Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., a former black rights activist, delivered a famous speech representing blacks who were still not free, at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s declaration of liberation from slavery.

“I have a dream that one day we hold these truth to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.”

A dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. It is the dream that one day valley shall be exalted, every hill and moumtain shall be made low, the rough places shalll be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

John Milton, who participated directly in the Puritan Revolution in England, when the flames of religious reform in Germany spread across Europe. when the dreamed day seemed to be on hand but in the end in a frustrated situation, he paid attention to the Bible truth and found God’s dream through the work “Paradise Lost.”

Prophet Ishaiah, who was sent in the history to North Israel and South Judah, forwarned the collapse of the two countries that had yet to be seen to the God’s chosen ones by name, yet their heart left God already. The people of God have sinned more blatantly than the nations surrounding them. Now that the people of God were like that, how nontheless to say, the neighboring countries be?

At a time when the vicious cycle of history of sin and death, violence, rewdness, and the eating the weak and the law of jungle was being repeated in the bridle of curse and the darkness, there was only a stern judgment in Isaiah’s message. Indeed, there was no hope anywhere.

Between the desperate messages of the judgment of Isaiah the prophet, who had to shout like a man shouting in the desert without echoes of the man cried out to the grim, miserable souls in the midst of an age of ignorance and rebellion that could not be heard and seen, a message of redemption and restoration comes together unbecomingly while the sins they committed were proclaimed one by one that they can’t avoid the just judgment of the holy God. The mixed messages of judgment and redemption/salvation were hardly understandable, incorrect sentences and unacceptable emotionally.

It was a message, in human level, which could not dare to understand or imagine, or make, nor even like causal justice that one reaps as they planted. It was only God’s dream that was born unilaterally in the heart of God.

The only thing waiting for the existential sinners who are cursed since Adam is God’s fearful and dreadful judgment. What hope could we have of the sinners? Much more, how could I tell about God’s dream that God is pouring?(July 2017) <To Be Continued> [GNPNEWS]

Kim Yong-Eui (WMM missionary, LOG Mission Representative)

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