“Breakfast table at the Galilee in the morning was the love of Jesus Christ.”
Lee Mi Kyeung, ►Work Explanation : Lee Mi Kyeung, acryl ink pen, 50x50cm

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What do you do when you have difficulty in relationships? What kinds of solutions do I have when there are problems with marital conflicts, troubles in between children and/or parents and relationships with outside people and outside the family. For this question one piece of works came up in my heart.

Above name of picture is <Love> that Lee Mi Kyeung painted. This artist majored in famous college of fine arts but she devoted herself to take care of her children. She said that she had found a material that could be handled relatively easily, struggling between passion for work and responsibility for child care. That was the right pen. The artist painted a thin pen thousands of times instead of a brush, and he put his old shapes into patience and effort. The main focus is things that cannot be found now, such as rural hole shops, tile houses, a needle case and rice. All of us are filled with warmth, tenderness and love.

The troubles of love drawn with patience and efforts

Especially, the work of love is delivered fully to this work. The foods on the tray are not visible, but the neatly placed spoons and chopsticks remind me of steamy good rice and moist kimchi. At the moment I just found a powerful weapon that would disarm the frozen opponent in the Cold War. It was a warm meal. Didn’t you see an elderly gentleman shedding tears in front of his mother’s food?

The earnest food itself is the work of love and the expression of love. What was the mind of Jesus to set up for their breakfast on the beach of Galilee? What was the heart of God sharing the bread manna? In the Bible, the food once had been a symbol of love. The ‘Goseul’ rice which was packed carefully is different from instant rice even if it looks as its shape.

Think of the hands that the node would have been cold while taking out the kimchi abandonment submerged in the 0°C soup. If there are spiritual eyes for the husbands and children to discover this effort of love, there will be further more things to thank the Lord. The carefully packed ‘gospel’ rice is different from instant rice even if it looks at its shape. Love is also the secret to a constant spiritual victory. [gnpnews@gnmedia.org] Lee Sang Yoon / Art Critic

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