Like a crown that keeps you from feeling rotten
illust = Lee Soo Jin

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It has been already two months since I started dental treatment. The time to peel off the crown that was over 20years ago and it is very slow to re-crown a tooth. I was in a hurry and let me learn patience during the long treatment process.

It took a lot of time to find and treat neurons one by one. After completing one neurological treatment, a dentist opened another tooth which was rotting a lot. The dentist said that if it was a little late, this side would have been neurotherapy. So inside the crown of another tooth was kept rotting, but the reaction is numb. I ate meat, ate rice and ate everything. Until the dentist open the teeth, he cannot know the condition of the inside of teeth. The crown that covers the teeth realize that it can be a scary plastered tomb cover in some ways.

I usually do not know my reality, so I do not repent with insensitivity because I seem to eat well and live well. I want to live as usual, facing my sinner in the position of the judge, regretting, and ending a miserable life.

I am grateful to know the gospel before the judgement, to repent and to stand before the Word.

I laid myself in the treatment bed all the time and thought a lot during all vacation. It was time to tell me to let me know what my old life, which had to be rooted and treated in me, and my old life, which was obscene and negligence and evil lust and greed, and which was digging, revealing and creeping out. Only the light of the Holy Spirit can be revealed and drawn.

Even Satan’s deception is rotting, but he puts a good crown on it and deceives it as “Okay, safe.”

Time has passed and the stench comes out of the place where it bursts. So today, even at this time, Satan’s clique feels that one person is driving in the dark and another again and again.

Not only dental neurotherapy, but also realize that it takes a lot of time for a soul to know the Lord and understand the gospel. On my way back from treatment, I looked back on the journey of the gospel that the Lord had allowed me. After seeing the whole gospel, I slowly understood the gospel.

I have fallen a lot, have fallen down on the floor a lot and I have passed a lot of time to sit down and to struggle. The time I was desperate for me, the time I suffered from my falling down, and the time until the truths I agreed with knowledge were known to my body. But now I am so grateful for that time. After the time of breaking and falling down with the body, I realized what concentration the love that had been arrested by the cross of God was. The truth of the gospel that I sat down and cried made me feel positive for the delays. The truth of the gospel that I sat down and cried made me feel positive for the delays.

1 Corinthians 13:4~7 4/Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5/it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6/Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7/It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Love that cannot be done by man, love that cannot come out of me, all of these loves come from the Lord. I cannot, but the Lord in me does. Today, the Lord speaks through the time of making mistakes and falling. Let me learn from my body. The truth that you know in your head makes a monster of the gospel, but the truth that you have learned by falling down, stealing tears is engraved on your body and gains the power to rise to the cross. And I want to love the Lord more. The more you love your neighbors, the more you hold on to the truth of the two commandments in prayer. [Gospel Prayer Newspaper]

                                                              Soon An, Kim, Missionary

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