I called to my husband’s home and asked to forgive me
Illust = Park Nam Hee

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Under community faith training I had to attend outreach and it was really unforgettable moments in my life.

There was not any moment when the Lord’s words passed. While preparing to proclaim the gospel, the Words led my soul.

Even if I wake up from sleeping, in all the everyday moments for eating meals, going to the bathroom, the Words reproached and comforted me and has made me feel very free and full of joy. I was worried that the source of the woman’s disease was cured, the 38-year-old sick person was healed and the blind person could also see but for any of these could not seem to happen to me and concerned.

When I believe in the truth and give me one step at a time, not according to the understanding and emotion of the head, it made real that the only place to enjoy the Lord was the place of the cross.

Before leaving for outreach, the Lord started to work to surprise me from only one phone call. I don’t want to change to be a good outwardly prayer and serving the church saints but seriously I wanted only Jesus remains in me with nothing. The Lord told me in my heart that I have to clean out relationships ‘now’ which was supposed to do after training. I called to mother-in-law and asked for forgiveness about my mistakes and faults. I would see a face of mother-in-law and I would forgive and loved her but I was asking for forgiveness.

By the way in the words of John the Lord shows me that He gave a special love to me. With the heart of obedience I called to mother-in-law and asked for forgiveness. In my heart now Jesus is my hope and expect to meet Jesus who is coming back and I also shared my heart with mother-in-law. My mother-in-law cried and I cried. I thought it was impossible to recover the relationship enough to think of death but finally the love of the Lord accomplished Mother-in-law, I cried.

The cross has a truly marvelous power. I believe that Jesus is crucified and he lives in me so I can step forward to the cross and to achieve the complete victory. Through the complete death, the outreach started to enjoy the new life with faith. But outreach team finally arrived and lots of shameful, continuous moments happened. But it was also a time of overflowing grace and gratitude.

Upon arrival at the mission the first thing we did was to read 1 Peter. “3/Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4/Instead, it should be that of your inner self the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (1Peter 3:3-4)” But I think I have nothing with these words so I did not even deeply meditate. One day in order to buy the traditional clothes to shopping mall with a missionary.

Until I live now I did not enjoy buying things until this time so I have no interests. Naturally I have thought that I am so far from decorating. But when I can buy the clothes under environment opens I forgot the Lord and I only concentrate buying clothes. I came outreach here for faith training but I was out of my senses… But despair was so grateful and happy for a moment.

Because I have experienced God who is alive and speaks. My decoration was not clothes, but to decorate people who were hidden in my mind. I thanked you for your grace in bringing my heart to Jesus Christ only.

I took the account of the team and I calculated the finances the next day. The finances to use for a month seemed to be insufficient. The thought that something seems to be wrong did not meditate well. I tapped the Bible in one hand and the calculator in other hand.

But the Lord gave me a word. “The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.” (1 Peter 4:7) I felt a flash of spirit, and then I picked up the calculator, and I threw the calculator of my heart, and decided to pray with more love.

“The Lord is may shepherd, I shall not be in want.” (Psalm 23:1)

The Lord worked surprisingly. I was worried that I would not eat what I wanted to eat, but when I looked at the Lord, he gave me papaya and pomegranate. I was glad to know the heart of the Lord who wanted to give me, not because I ate delicious things.

“Noah, are you happy? You can only trust me.” The Lord found that I was waiting for the Lord to come out with full love and trust. I love the Lord forever who has changed him to an eternal happiness that accompany the Lord.

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