12% of Muslims, Uganda Persecutes Many of Christians
photo by WMM

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“Asinge Paul Churche, dedicated on 21, Sep. 2005”

A church nameplate is very eye-catching next to the three kids standing shy in front of crystal-clear blue windows

It is assumed that the Christian population of Uganda is about 80% of its entire population―41.9% Catholic, 42% Anglicans. However, Muslims who account for about 12% of the population are increasingly persecuting the other believers. They especially target proselytes, or converts to Christianity from Islam.

This April, a Christian convert, who is an elementary school teacher, was abducted to a mosque, beaten, and set on fire by the Muslim coworkers. Fortunately, he could survive by one of the attackers suggesting that they should not kill him. Besides, April 17th a Christian woman was hit and stabbed by her husband on Easter after he got to know that she believed in Jesus. Recently, Morning Star News in the USA reported that a woman in her 20s was killed with her eyes stabbed by her father after she got a worship service where she accepted Jesus Christ.

Although Ugandan constitution allows the religious freedom, it seems that there is no limit of the attacks on Christians. In Uganda, however, more and more people are converting to Christianity nowadays. Let’s pray for them to be full of the Holy Spirit and win over the persecution with love and long endurance.  

 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”(John17:20~21_ESV) [gnp news]

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