Bear the Image of the Man of Heaven
▶ Mongolian brothers with bright smiles (by WMM)

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Two brothers I met in Mongol. Their innocent and blithe smiles are lovely. They always paly soccer and running around the village and then head towards a church. Although they are soaked in sweat and dust, their bright smiles revealing their white teeth make people also smile. Of course, some days they fight with each other and other days they cry saying sorry to their mother after making some trouble with their friends. Soon, their mother’s eyes are full of love. That’s because the boys are lovely enough just the way they are.

There is someone who looks at us like this, like the boys’ mother: He is God. Although He allows us to be punished who betray Him and cause trouble because of our avarice for worldly things, He looks at us with huge compassion whenever we get humble and repent with our ripped hearts. He embraces us with His undeniable extant love. That love appeared on the Cross and the Cross covered us with the image of the man of heaven. We, who bear the image belonging to heaven, are lovely beings resting in God’s love.

“Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.”(1 Corinthians 15:49_ESV)

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