▶ a bakery in Pakistan

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The bread on an iron pan is Chapati. Chapati with curry is a staple of Pakistani people. This bread is just a combination of flour and salt, which means it doesn’t have any impressive taste. What’s more, curry with some strong scent may not be able to go well with foreigners. However, Chapati with curry is an unwearying and comfortable food for Pakistanis, which is a good example of ‘staple food’.

We, Christians, also have our staple: God’s words. We can live when we eat it on a daily basis. However, this is totally different with the concept of foreigners having Pakistani foods. This bread, God’s words, is the bread of life which must be consumed by you if you claim that you are a Christian. Unbelievers see the words as a stumbling block and foolish thing. But I would like to say that a sick person would not turn away from a diet that he/she has to be on for the cure when the diet is the only choice. I pray, hoping every single soul around the world who is suffering from serious illnesses will meet Jesus Christ, the bread of life. [gnpnews]

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life.”(John 6:47~48_ESV)

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