Ethiopia, which keeps Easter as its biggest festival, still a prevalent illegal
Ethiopian saints celebrating Easter (source: capture)

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Ethiopia’s Easter event is a week behind the Korean church. In the morning of the resurrection Sunday, I left the house to worship at the local church. But the streets were very deserted. Most of the store doors were closed. They had worshipped at the dawn and they had gone home.

In Ethiopia from Friday through the Resurrection Week is the official holidays. For Protestant

and Orthodox Christians in the country, Easter is the biggest holiday and festival days.

A week ago, we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and call out Hosanna day and the Orthodox Church kept holding the festival. In fact, Jesus’ resurrection begins 45days before the resurrection week.

For Friday of the hardship week we gather on Friday evening and pray all together. The Protestant Churches worship all night through. The Orthodox Church gathers from 9 pm on Saturday evening to worship and event until dawn on Sunday and eats chicken dishes at 3 am. Perhaps they seemed to estimate the time of Jesus’ resurrection. You can eat anything for 45days based on starting at 3 am on the resurrection week. Eat as you want.

In the church, the resurrection day is made a bigger festival than the birthday of Jesus.

On the one hand, it is a desirable thing. I envy the state for recognizing this day as a public holiday. Jesus’ resurrection is the basis and hope of our lives.

However, there are some difficulties with this. They are foreign companies. It is because half of the people who can not go to work the next morning since they eat and drink until late on Sunday evening. Companies should give up productivity on that day but this is their natural way of life. Ethiopians are mostly acknowledging the atmosphere. It is the reality here that we look at foreign managers who frown. Old foreign managers fold their minds. When you fold your mind, it is a practical problem to fold your mind about the church. Jesus was resurrected and ascended, but the problem is that those who did not go to work on Monday after playing late on Sunday evening could not ascend with Jesus. Living in a sinful culture and living with religious enthusiasm, it seems that we forgot to live as the life of Jesus who was resurrected.

There is another Ethiopian figure. This government is now engaged in a full-scale war with illegality. I am very concerned about identifying those who have done illegal activities.

To catch smugglers, they are releasing the police enormously and creating new laws to identify and capture them. Not long ago, he took several civil servants and sent them to prison. There is also friction with cancer dealers. The Ministry of Justice says he can catch all of them. Unfortunately, however, illegal sites are growing and growing.

I had been to the airport a while ago. It was so crowded. It is so much crowded almost every day in recent years. Most of the people who are entering this country are people from this country. Unlike the economic situation, the airport is crowded with people and the airport expansion work is underway. People in the country cannot officially hold dollars.

It is not impossible to exchange money at all, but only a small amount is allowed. The financial institutions have no dollars, so they are extremely controlling their income.

How can many of these people come in from abroad in this situation? What is this many foreign cars on the street? There is no answer except for the black market. Some say that if the state makes laws, the people will set up alternatives, and Ethiopia is just like that. How can we physically prevent the natural desires even if we do not taste them or listen? I ask for prayer that this country will be restored to the holy kingdom of God through the lives of witnesses following the cross so that Jesus’ resurrection life will be filled in the church.

[Gospel Prayer News]                          (Ethiophia = Chung Daniel Missionary)

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