Even When I Give Up On Me, the Lord Is With Me
Illustration by Nojuna

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The Gospel of Fulfilling covenant (2)

Abraham’s image in the Genesis is indescribably fragile. The Lord has called and promised to Abraham, who is always shaky and in conflict.

“I will make you a source of blessing, and through you I will make all the nations return to me!” God chose Abraham, not only who has no possibility but also impossible, and made him ancester of faith. God(Jesus) called Peter to be a ‘fisher of man’ even though he knew that Peter would betray him three times before the cock crows twice. The word that God called me despite he knows my frailty means that he knows how I will fall down and how I collapse.

The Lord knew even the first dispair that I had in my life. He knew when I would sink, and when I would be in the midst of dark misery. The Lord, who knows everything, has no vain hope for us. And, he neither regret nor be disappointed in what he has called us, but he makes us worthy of his calling. David confesses that this knowledge is too mysterious and bizarre to reach at all. (Psalm. 139:6)

Realizing God’s Omnipotence, David finds the nature of God again. It is God’s Omnipresence. (Psalm. 139:7-12) We cannot escape from God no matter where we go in the world of creature. The Lord is everywhere, even though man’s intellect builds towers and dwells in the heights of heaven, and he stretches out in the depths of his sheol. The Lord is in the valley of trouble, where our wills are exhausted and our limits are met.

The Lord is ahead of us, even though we go to the end of the sea. Even in the darkness of the night, the Lord watches over me like the day as if there is no darkness. How dare I being a creature could avoid him? “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” (Psalm. 139:7)

The God, Whom I Learn In A New Light Day After Day.

Even where I say, “There will be no God here,” the Lord is with me. The most terrible place of sin, the seat of pride, the low seat of inferiority, even when I gave up on me, the Lord is with me.

The human being created by God is mysterious and wonderful. The design of each cell is like the universe. It’s amazing to know this world of creature, however, how much more marvelous is the God who created it? The God Almighty has the ability to design us in his mind and execute us without a single error. It is incomparable to human ability, which is modified and cancelled most of the time. God always makes and accomplishes his work, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscience.

He is our Master and our loving Father. We only learn him in a new light day after day. Even in the kingdom of God he will be praised and worshiped, further realizing the great and awesomeness of God. (April, 2017) <To Be Continued> [GNPNEWS]

Kim Yong-Eui (WMM missionary, LOG Mission Representative)

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