God knows Everything of Us
Illustration by Nojuna

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The Gospel of the Fulfilling Covenant(1)

Human beings can never rise above their limits. They can say of balance and justice, but as beings became one with sin itself completely, they could never be capable of fulfilling justice.

No matter how right the path may be, they step back when they have no companion. That is

human weakness and limitations. And then, we seek and search the Almighty and eternal God.

Hezekiah’s life was extended 15 years by God’s grace. But from then on, he did folly before God. It’s a good example showing clearly the true nature of human beings. After doing the wrong work, we ask, “What’s wrong with me?”,without any answers, filled with regrets. That’s our lives. Can I change myself by analyzing myself properly? Can I be sure of what my life will be like in the future? No! We don’t know. It is the limitation of human beings, being not able to answer any of the essential questions about human.
Everything is within the Sovereignty of the Lord.
The Bible says there is an answer to who is at the end of his rope. The answer is, ‘The Almighty Lord knows me(him)’ (Psalms 139:11). David has tasted both the glory and disgrace of life. Only Few people have experienced such extreme lives he had. His life seemed to be a life woven by schemes and coincidences. God’s intervention seemed by no means impossible.

However, he confesses in Psalm 139 that all this was the touch of God’s miracle disguised as a coincidence. When he looks back on his life journey, nothing came by accident. As soon as he realizes that everything was in the hands of the Lord, the Sovereign, David confesses, ‘God has nothing that he does not know about me.’ Whether good or bad that he wishes it hadn’t been there, that whether it was intentional treason and sin, even to the future, David confesses that all is within the Lord’s Sovereignty (Psalms. 139:5).

One day Samuel came to David, the boy, and he put all the other brothers behind him and anointed him. At that time Saul, king of Israel, was not only rebelling against God, but also leading the whole Israel to a crisis. For David, the circumstances and conditions were not guaranteed. On David’s side, he had a great deal of troubles, but God made him king as to God’s decision, anointing him as king, without a single error among the variables of history that could not even be counted.
David had nothing but a confession that God, who had called and anointed him as king, had achieved it. “The Lord alone knows everything, and His knowledge is wonderful to reach out, and He knows everything of our thoughts, our values and our choices, just as God knows all about David. (Psalm. 139:3) Even when I do not know the truth of what I say, the Lord knows it(Psalm 139:4). He puts me under his Sovereignty, saying, that He knows me exactly even when I can’t trust myself.” The knowledge is wonderful and amazing (Psalm. 139:6). (April 2017) < To Be Continued>[GNPNEWS]

Kim Yong-Eui (WMM missionary, LOG Mission Representative)

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