The child who was baptized by me went to heaven before me
▲ Children of Country L ⓒ GNPNEWS

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No. 286 / Mission Post

With a recent incident, my heart was set before the Lord again. At the end of last March, “Peoun” who is a brother of an orphan communication named “Community within the Veil (Hebrews 6:19)” had a car accident on the way home after preaching the gospel.

After the accident, Peoun’s condition improved for some time, but he went to heaven one month ago. he cause of death was stage 4 kidney disease. It was only when the body lacked clean blood and dialysis became urgent that it was discovered at the hospital that it was stage 4 kidney disease.

I asked a Korean doctor for advice, and the doctor explained that it was a case of a chronic disease in which a disease that had been in the body was discovered due to the car accident. I found out later that his mother and sister died early from the same disease and that’s why Peoun was an orphan.

It was around 1 AM when Peoun was diagnosed with death at the hospital that day. We tried to call a transport truck to go to the cemetery, but there was no car because it was late late night. Some possible trucks cost too much. Peoun’s brother wanted the body to be moved to his hometown.

So, I put the body in my car and set off for the hometown of Peoun, taking the local pastor, his wife and a leader all together. I drove the car non-stop, and we arrived Peoun’s hometown after my driving about 4 and a half hours. All the townfolks gathered, wept together, and held his funeral together.

I remember what Peoun said. Not long after he met me and heard the gospel, he said: “Ajjan (teacher), I want to believe in Jesus whom you believe in!”

And when the time came, when he was baptized, he said: “Ajjan, I was the happiest in my life when I was with Ajjan!” I took the body of child who said that to me in my car and went to his hometown and held the child’s funeral.

A manager who was there also said: “After entering a Christian university, Peoun changed completely. He came to church and served the Christmas event diligently.” After baptized, Peoun had gone to his hometown and served the Christmas prayer event.

A month has passed from the funeral. I’m finally getting over my feelings. The Lord clearly taught me why I should live on the earth.

The day when I called Peoun, an orphan who did not know Jesus Christ, and the days that I spent with him, the day the child said he wanted to believe in Jesus Christ whom I believe in, the days we were thrilled with the gospel, and the day that he said that the days spent with me were the happiest in his life. And the day I went to his hometown with the dead child in the trunk of my car. All the days went. However, there is still a heavy echo in my heart.

“My Lord, I am still alive on this earth.”

This resonance led to the confession of mine: “Even if it is against my strength (even if the work is difficult), I will be the passage of life on this earth until the Lord allows me. I will not stop!”

I can’t stop this ministry. It is because the child who met Jesus Christ and baptized through me went to heaven before me. I ask that you pray with your hands together so that I can handle the ministry left behind by the child and that I can serve the remaining children of the “Community in the Veil” and the local Jsanssawang Church with the Word. [GNP NEWS]

Count L = Ppanya

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