Congo, Hoping God’s Love Resides over the Pain of Disputes
▲ Congolese kids (photo by missionary Seong Woon Yun)

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NO. 282 / Photo News

These are kids I met Bugarula church on Idjwi island, Congo. They are trying to be taken a picture of bending and posing. On the day, prayers from Goma had a time for pray with God’s words with 17 pastors desperately hoping God’s kingdom comes on this land.  

In Congo, there have been continuous violent riots since the Rwanda genocide in 1994. At that time, the Hutu killed 800,000 of the Tutsi, a minority ethnic group, and the moderate party of the Hutu, etc. According to the U.N. Children’s Fund, now in the eastern region battles between the government forces and rebel forces have stopped about 750,000 kids from studying at schools. May, 2021, a state of emergency was declared in North Kivu and Ituri and it has been going on so far. The number of schools which have been shut down since this January is about 2100.

However, on this land a feast of prayer has been continuing 24/7: Nehemiah 52 prayer gathering for every nation in Hebron Goma community, Goma, Congo. They worshipped God enthusiastically, even though they didn’t know how to read well, sometimes dozed off, and the procedure of worship was not perfect. I earnestly hope God’s kingdom comes into Congolese souls who have suffered from disputes, pain, and sadness.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”(John13:34_ESV) [gnp news]

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