God’s Wisdom, God’s Power, The Gospel of The Cross
Illustration by: Lee ye won

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The Perfect Church in Jesus Christ (4)

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17)

The only way to meet God is to awaken spiritually, and for our spiritual eyes to be opened and for the spiritual function to be revived in our soul. Our spirit, which was once dull and cursed, can understand the words of the living God, and He speaks to our spirit. This happens when we hear the truth of the gospel. “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life” (John 5:24)

In order to do this, the function of our spirit must firstly be revived through faith. But how can we have faith? It is not something that can be achieved by listening to the words of human knowledge, whether it be through a shallow philosophy or any religion. When we hear the gospel of God’s life and truth, our dead spirit comes to life and we can see the Lord.

The moment we turn our attention to the temptation of being saved by our action, like the medieval Catholic Church that had fallen into corruption and covered up the truth of salvation by the cross, we can’t help but depart from God’s calling. The notion of salvation by works is the tragedy of the church’s corruption, which created the dark ages of the medieval era. If our hearts following the religious reformation become loose, we would miss God’s calling.

Jesus Christ rules and reigns over all the creations of the world, and becomes the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He resurrected and ascended to recover His glory, and now He unites the church that was once associated with the cross with His body and fills all things in all. The church may seem humble, insignificant, and fragile on the outside like a clay pot, but Christ in me is a person full of glory, power, and blessings. Those who have received life through Jesus Christ are beyond the world’s capacity. The people who have overturned history and shaken the world are not those with great personal qualities or abilities. It was the power of the gospel that turned history and shook the world, as the precious Jesus Christ in a clay pot was revealed.

Therefore, the church can be renewed through the gospel. The church manifests itself through the amazing promise of the Lord, the glory, power, and blessings of the gospel. So how does the Lord accomplish the work of making us into His image, filling us in Christ to be complete, at the level of God Himself? The secret of this seemingly impossible task that amazes us lies in the gospel of the cross of Jesus Christ, which we have overlooked. The gospel of Jesus Christ and His cross, which seemed so contemptible and foolish to people, is actually the power and wisdom of God. The power of the gospel of the cross completely transforms even the most impossible individuals, overturning them existentially. And through these transformed individuals, the world is changed. The gospel of the cross and resurrection is God’s most perfect wisdom and power. This is the secret. (July, 2018) [ Gospel Prayer News]

Missionary Kim, Yong Eui
(World Mobile Mission missionary. Representative of LOG Mission)

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The Perfect Church in Jesus Christ (1)
The Perfect Church in Jesus Christ (2)
The Perfect Church in Jesus Christ (3)

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