Spain, the Wind of Sex Change behind Serene Scenes
▲ a Saturday market in Malaga, Spain (photo by WMM)

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NO. 277 / Photo News

Malaga, a port city in Southern Spain, where you can enjoy the sunshine of the Mediterranean. It rains there for less than 50 days of the year, which means Malaga has rich sunshine almost every day and warm winters. A Saturday market which I can look down from my room attracts tourists’ attention with people selling and buying common stuff. An afternoon in Malaga is literally serene.

However, behind the serene scenes in Spain is blowing the violent storm of homosex and a sex change. Last Dec. 22nd, 3 days before Christmas, Spain made it possible for minors over 16 to change their sex even without a doctor’s diagnosis. Spanish House of Commons passed a bill which allows the simplification of a procedure for alteration of one’s identification, so that that person can have a legal sex change without doctors’ opinions if he/she is over 16. Before this, a person has needed to present a doctor’s opinion to change his/her sex saying that he/she suffers from sexual incompatibility, etc. But now, nothing is needed. ‘Switch remedy’ will be banned and attacks against LGBT communities can be legally punished if the bill passes the Upper House without any revision. I eagerly pray that Spain would recover its original where people enjoy the beauty of order of God’s creation as well as the Mediterranean sunlight which He allows for them.

 My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.(James 5:19-20_ESV) [Gospel Prayer News]

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