The Dance We Used to Dance
▲ at Wagah Border (by Woo-hyun Baek)

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P.M.5:00 at Wagah Border, the border of Pakistan and India, a group of men are dancing. The flag-lowering ceremony of the two countries looks like a festival. In the beginning, soldiers show a flag battle, and then Pakistani men at the border of Lahore raise the pleasant atmosphere by dancing. There go the fast sounds of percussion instruments uplifting feeling! Those men put their hands up to the fullest extent and are shacking their shoulders.

The dance we used to dance praised the world and ourselves. People, however, who has met God dance a different dance: it is the dance honoring my death and Jesus’s life on the Corss. Even though dancing the dance rejoicing is difficult, the Lord can have the power that makes us handle it. It is Jesus Christ who is the King of the dance.

 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.“(Mathew 16:24_ESV) [gnp news]

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