My repentance is the repentance of the South Korean churches

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The Gospel of Compelling Grace (9)

I embarrassingly said myself that ‘I’m good enough,’ and I wondered if there was anything else I could wish for. However, through some shocking things to me, Satan began to attack my heart. Betrayal from people I trusted. I tried to understand them, thinking, ‘Yes, they are human beings…’ but soon, I began to feel overwhelmed with anger. The image of the prodigal older son arose inside me, and I was a bit embarrassed about that fact. I criticized and condemned them. I was angry toward the Pharisees and the scribes in chapter 15 of Luke, thinking ‘You who came in disguised! Where do you think you are?’ However, then the father’s words to the prodigal older son began to be heard in my mind. Then, I saw that the pattern of thinking that the prodigal who had left home could not be forgiven was repeated over and over again in me. I received my share of the inheritance, Jesus Christ in whom all of the Father is at stake, as my whole life: however; why can’t I forgive others who have inherited Jesus Christ?

I talk to myself that ‘I did not betray the Lord.’ However, I find in me the older brother whose heart is not revealed outwardly but who is angry with his younger brother. I face the same stubbornness and rigor as the Pharisees and scribes’ that are hidden in my heart. When I realized that the self-satisfaction as a result of arrogance was a terrible disease of the soul, God gave me the grace to fall down before him like the younger prodigal son.

How should we go back? How should we restore this feast of grace? “I” must repent. My repentance is the repentance of the South Korean churches. Heavenly Father is still waiting for us first, he wants the Korean churches to repent more than anyone else, and he is working for it. Perhaps the biggest obstacle is us, who are full of self-righteousness and criticize like the prodigal older son. The person the father had to convince was not the returning prodigal son, but the self-righteous older son who refused to come in.

‘Gospel, the feast for the returning son’ is always going on. God has prepared a seal ring, shoes to wear, and beautiful and noble clothes. And the Lord says that there is more joy when one sinner repents and returns than 99 righteous people who need no repentance. We should not interrupt the feast. We should rejoice it together, saying “O God, hold the feast to your heart’s content for your son who returned at this time! We will rejoice with you, the Lord. And we will serve your feast. We will gladly stand there as your joy.”

So, I can dare to shout. The South Korean churches can be renewed. Because there is the love of the Father who prepared this feast of grace. We can be new! Hallelujah! Let’s raise our hands toward the Lord. For the only answer to 100 questions is Jesus Christ!

Missionary Young-Ui KIM

(Itinerant Missionary Representative of LOG Mission)

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