Jesus Christ + Me = Change to Life

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What change would occur when the Savior, Jesus Christ, come to me who is a subject for the Gospel? What did Jesus come to give me? The Bible says that if anyone is in the Christ, “The old has gone, the new is here!” (II Corinthians 5:17). In other words, it means being turned over, or being born again. The Lord also said “no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3) What does this mean? We ask like Nicodemus who came to ask of the Lord. “Should I return to my mother’s womb?”

The foundation of the existence of human being is “life.” Being born again means a life being born again. The Bible expresses that before Jesus Christ is “death,” and after Jesus Christ is “life.”

In the point of view of the Gospel, it is declared that we “were dead in your transgressions and sins.” (Ephesians 2:1) However, it says that when we meet Jesus Christ, as a result, we gain lives. It is a very extreme declaration.

“Then what about me who lived before?” The answer may be that you wandered and wriggled around, but that was just reacting to sins; and you were dead (who could not react) to God.

Until now, we assumed that we were alive and expected the Lord to fulfill shortages of something. However, whenever a person came to the Lord begging for another, the Lord did not step back, but spoke “You do not need food that will be rotten, but you need me, who is the food for everlasting life.” What the Lord focused every time was on “life.”

However, people dramatize and clothe Jesus as they need. Jesus as a politician, a human rights activist, a social worker, a culture artist and so on. However, through the entire Bible, it is said that Jesus came to give “life.” The result of believing him and the result of not-believing him finally differ to obtaining the life or not-obtaining the life. The Bible says that: to a person who believes the Son, there is every lasting life; and to a person who disobeys to the Son, there is a trial without seeing the life.

Let the Gospel Glorified.

Excerpted from (Kyujang 2017, Yong-Eui KIM)

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