Jesus Christ! My Joy, My Song!
▲ Musicians on a Slovak street (by WMM)

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Street musicians are playing their musical instruments and singing. The melody catches passengers and the deep echoes of the double bass winds around people’s mind. If the player plays and sings with joy here, his/her mind will be conveyed to passengers as it is.

However, there He is, who gives the true joy regardless of conditions and situations. He is Jesus Christ! Since Adam’s sin made human beings not to be with God, Jesus’s death and revival has given us the grace of Immanuel, which means God is with us. We have a more reasonable reason of joy than David had who was dancing with huge joy without noticing his pants undressed because of the Ark of the Covenant coming into the temple. Let’s sings and rejoice over Jesus![gnp news]

“Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!”(Psalms 100:2_ESV)

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