I Still Proclaim Your Wondrous Deeds
▲ a girl in Laos (photo by WMM)

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It’s an unfamiliar scene. A Laotian girl is holding a bamboo stick in her one hand and a saw in the other hand. There is no safety device. What if she gets hurt? Her posture is so stable that any worry about the safety feels shame. How many times has she done the work? It looks like she has learned how to saw bamboos since she was young.

A writer of Psalms confesses God has trained him since young. And he also says he proclaims God’s wondrous deeds after he learned from God and obeyed Him with faith. How many miracles had he seen until he became to spread God’s wondrous deeds?

When you walk along God’s lessons who is invisible, from time to time you fall down without your faith. Then, however, God teaches you faith. And then, you see His marvelous works. A person, who has fallen down many times, will get to say like this: “I still proclaim your wondrous deeds!”

“ O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.”(Psalms 71:17_ESV) [gnpnews]

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