Joy God Put in My Heart
▲ children in Oman (by WMM)

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Kids have gathered in the yard of a building shining in the sunlight Prankful boys try making V shapes with their fingers and they are in their taqiyah, a round embroidered hat. Girls in their hijabs are gathering. Are they going to have their lunch which their mothers prepared for them?

I can feel the excitement of the picnic from the children I meet at a tourist spot. Did they sleep well last night? There are things that make us feel excited and overwhelmed with only the thoughts of them. Jesus Christ! He visited us who were in the most miserable and ugliest crime scene. And He, in His love, forgave and rehabilitated us shaking in fear.

Jesus always says “I love you,” to us who are not lovely and don’t do lovely things. Nobody can’t take the joy in our hearts full of His love off us. Jesus Christ! The best joy of my soul![GnP news]

“You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.”(Psalms 4:7_ESV)

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