“Mother of five children … turned around and the Lord raised me”
illustrate=Lee, Soo Jin

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[No.218 / God I met in everyday life]

The gospel is enough. This step, which started at the same time as the life and marriage

of the missionary who confessed and walked the road, became 11 years slipped already.

The husband, who obeyed the word to grow and to thrive and to be full of the ground, said that he should have five children before marriage. I did not know what it meant and

said ‘Amen’. It is the history of giving birth, giving birth, giving birth… when I look back on the life of a missionary. So the Lord set me as a life minister and gave me five children.

I remembered when I had my first baby. It was time to have a child and to receive discharge

training that I knew I had to breast-feed my child every two hours. There was nothing I could do when I wanted to go to the bathroom, to wash and to eat.

The first child was very active and could not take his eyes off when he started walking. I was always following the child, praying and praying at the time of the worship, looking at the child who did not know what to do. During the meal, he put socks in his fellow missionary’s soup, and hit his child’s forehead with make him bleeding. I was so strong just by raising a child… I vowed not to have any more children.


But I found myself waiting for the second time after a little time, how the mind of a person is safe. But strangely, the Lord not allow the second. I looked back on my sinful appearance, which I thought I had all the beginnings and decisions, and did not recognize the Lord, the sovereign of life. I do not know how much I cried and repented. So the Lord allowed the second waiting, and the third and fourth.

Over time, the children grew up, and the care of the big children was needed, so I thought four was enough. At the end of the day, I was in front of the challenge of ‘When will I have a child?’ When he began to seek the will of the Lord, the Lord spoke through the training of the Words.

At the end of all things, “It was not important to have each baby and not to have them important. Only God gave me for grace. I was just a steward in charge of the Lord’s. So the Lord allowed the fifth baby for our family. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10)” Serve

each other like a good steward who has received various graces of God as each received a gift.”

The child is a gift for me

It was not important to have a child or not to have a child. Only God gave me grace. I was

just a steward in charge of the Lord. So the Lord allowed the fifth baby to our family.

When I take only three people to the hospital, here and there mother gathers her mouth saying that it will be difficult. I was surprised to hear two more on top of shoulders. I was a mother of five children who was a mother of the beginning. But he does not look like veteran before. And more and more, he became a fool who only saved the grace of the Lord.

I am not raising children, but the Lord is raising me. The Lord who raises me says that I should be a father and a mother who is born to the gospel, not a teacher to my children. So I want to stand as a good man and a person who is not ashamed of God and children.

The cross that makes it possible from the spot, if the gospel is still today. It stands as a church waiting for the Lord with enough. From the position of the cross, the gospel is still standing as a church waiting for the Lord as enough. Lord, come to me. Maranata!                            

Lee Jee Hyang Missionary

[Gospel Prayer Newspaper]

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