The family called the name of the dog and went to the whole neighborhood
illustrator=Lee Soo Jin

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A five-month-old white footbath dog came to the farmed country brother’s house. He also named

for “Kang Dan E” to grow up hard. However, one day, I didn’t see a puppy. Our whole family went all over the town calling the name of the dog. As the time went by, my heart became more and more burned. We have been looking for him, but I haven’t seen him. Suddenly I thought that the puppy could not come this far away. In reality I remembered that I had not found the front of the house.

I started looking at the fields in front of the house. I passed by the field and cut the grass in the lush forest and found it. But there were too many mosquitoes, so I gave up going in anymore. He would come in the dark night, but he did not come back until the next morning.

Lose the dog’s life.

The next day, I went out looking for the puppy again. It was raining. I put on a raincoat, sprinkled mosquito pills, cut trees with a sickle, and went back into the forest. But soon, the puppy was curled up and lying dead. Fortunately, he was alive. Yesterday, I was regretting that I would have found the puppy if I had only gone a couple of steps.

I came home with the puppy in a sad heart. But the puppy didn’t eat. He only ate a little bit of water with boiled pollack head. In the afternoon, the dog was dead.

Through the series of happenings that I have been looking for puppies, the Lord taught me what God’s heart is. It is not comparable to my search for a puppy, but I have learned a little bit about what God is looking for me and so many countries. God had found me who is a sinner, and forgiven me and gave me eternal life, even when he killed his beloved son on the cross.

The love of the God who seeks to find a soul 

If I refuse my God to find a soul, and if I don’t like to have God in my heart and still live a friendly life of sin, the bottom of hell would have been my place. God did not give up on me until the end. I was so impressed with this. If you don’t look at the existence of me, dust, or the existence of God, you will find it to the end. If God does not turn away or give up existence like me, dust, no one is looking at me, he has found it to the end.

I highly appreciate God Father. I found the life of a puppy who was only a little bit precious.

It was time to realize how precious I was to God, to receive my son’s life.

I admire God’s unlimited love. [The Gospel Prayer Newspaper]

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