“Determine to love risking your life and obey it”
Illustrated by Nojuna

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 The Gospel of Eternal Love (6)
On the cross the Lord shouted, ‘It’s done.’ It was the declaration of victory by which had ended our curse. He had completed all the laws; he had paid off all the yoke of the Law. There is no longer a law to condemn. Those who have been saved through the crucifixion are now righteous and holy.

The Lord invited us with this amazing Gospel that he had prepared unilaterally. All what we need is the ‘ONLY Faith.’ It is the belief that everything that had happened to Jesus, the Son of God,  has happened to me, and accept the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as the “end” of my own self. He who has that faith shall live in the life of Jesus, who is resurrected.

What is the clear evidence of the saved? Is it reciting doctrines fluently? By one’s being itself, one can never love God, and one who live on the life of a sick self without being born again take advantage of even God. He/She seeks God for self-satisfaction and gain, and savior who one need for himself.

What the Holy Spirit did to us is too clear. There must be changes in life of a person born again in Holy Spirit. They come to love with the Lord. “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy'(1Pet.1:8-9)” He who loves the Lord does not cavil. Even in situations where they don’t understand everything, and in the midst of awful conditions they can’t even cry, they don’t argue. Rather, when unspeakable suffering comes, God’s love is even more etched into their heart.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(Rom.8:28). The token who is called by God is loving God. The prophecy, knowledge, determination, and decision will all pass away, but the one who loves God bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things(1Cor.13:7).

The Clear Proof of the Being Saved; the Loving Life for the Lord

There have been countless difficulties that were hard for me, who was very ordinary and with weak will, to bear. I also trembled with fear in times of agony and conflict. But like the young buds sprout and the sprout from the small seed grow up in search of light, I could not live without the Lord. I couldn’t bear a moment without the assurance that the Lord was with me. The Lord is a vine, and I am a branch attached to a vine. I did not choose the Lord, but he chose me. The Lord who made me, knows me. There is no contentment without loving the Lord. The only conclusion is the Lord.

The greatest gift God gave us from Adam’s dreaded curse is to be a person who loves God. Do you believe in Jesus, and think that you didn’t get much? Paul only wanted to get Christ, so he regarded everything but him as a waste. What more success do you want? What more do you want to enjoy? How long will you be doing the futile work of your own self?

How can I, who is incapable, love brothers, and love all nations? Dwell in Jesus! Make up your mind to love at the risk of your life! Don’t let Satan take away this love. If we decide to love and obey as the Lord loved us and obeyed(to God), with the power of the Lord, by the the power of the Holy Spirit, God will make it possible to do it. (May 2017) <The End> [GNPNews]

Kim Yong-Eui (WMM missionary, LOG Mission Representative)
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