▶ children in Amazon, Brazil(ⓒgnpnews)

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Girls in Amazon smile from ear to ear with a doll held in their arms. Who gave a doll to each of them? Their beautiful smiles have become a gift to the giver of the dolls as well.

Likewise, God gave us an everlasting present: Jesus Christ. To redeem us from sin and live with us forever, He sent His only Son to the world as the flesh and crucified Him on the cross and revive Him. Thanks to this series of events, we have been saved and it is the enough reason for us to praise Him and rejoice. Our praise, alike, turns into a gift for God.

Some serve as apostles, others as prophets and others as preachers. Every life becomes praise and therefore God’s joy. Today, I delight myself in the LORD on the spot where I received the present of Jesus by God.[gnpnews]

“But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”(Ephesians 4:7_NASB)

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